Registrar Registry Manager Pro 6.50.31107 Retail (Eng+Rus)

Registrar Registry Manager offers a very complete and safe solution to administrators and power users for maintaining the registry on both their desktops and remote computers on their network.

Apart from common features such as those offered by the native Windows registry editor RegEdit, this program offers solutions for backing up and restoring registries, fast background search and replace, a bookmark editor with categories which supports key coloring and adding descriptions to registry keys and values, detailed property pages, tools for easy navigation. The programoffers multi-level undo so all registry changes can be individually undone.

The software offers a registry defragmenter, a registry monitor which registry access by the system and other programs in high detail as well as security editors which allow you to set access restrictions on your registry keys.

Fully supports Windows 7
Registrar Registry Manager 6.50 now fully supports all versions of Windows 7.

Download: 7.12 Mb



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