Topaz Detail v1.1.1 for Adobe Photoshop (32/64-bit)
Topaz Detail v1.1.1 for Adobe Photoshop (32/64-bit) | 7.24 MB

Topaz Detail is uniquely designed to give the user full creative control over all aspects of detail enhancement without creating edge artifacts. It internally separates the image into three detail sizes - small, medium, and large details - and offers exceptional control over the precise manipulation of each detail type.The emergence of the luminous halo - one of the main problems requiring post-processing after the creation of HDR images. Topaz Labs has developed embedded in many image editors, including Adobe Photoshop, plug-in Topaz Detail which will help resolve this problem. Topaz Detail is also ideally suited to increase or decrease the sharpness of the image, as well as to convert images to grayscale, with full control of tonal range.

In the arsenal of Topaz Detail has many valuable tools to improve the most important and sensitive parts of your image. Here are some of them:
• Improving the quality of the image: "Topaz" technology, allows to analyze the image and divided into 3 layers (small, medium and large) for a more specific and more detailed image.
• Unprecedented control over parameters such as tone, contrast, shadows and color details of the image.
• The interface in real time - Preview thumbnails, which demonstrates the announcements, the effects of each preset in Previews finder.
• Shortcut hotkeys. (hot keys) example: a space to switch between the original and processed images, buttons, and - to zoom in / out of the preview, as well as the keys to change settings.
• Snapshot buttons - (image buttons). You can temporarily save the settings making the picture settings - this is a good way to compare different settings.
• Other features. For example, you can selectively import settings directly from the Internet, etc.
• Support presets ensure compliance of some common tasks with one click.
• New features: settings allow users to disable default support multi-core processors, that sometimes when performing different tasks on different processors increase processing speed.

Compatible Products:
• Adobe Photoshop 7/CS/CS2/CS3/CS4
• Photoshop Elements
• Paint Shop Pro
• Painter X/11 (preview zoom is not supported)
• PhotoImpact X3
• Irfanview (freeware)

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